Monday, November 5, 2012

Moodling Time - Tofino

Looking out at the Pacific Ocean, from Middle Beach Lodge
Wildness and Wonderfulness

I have come to the "west coast" of Vancouver Island for a few days, to visit one of my daughters, but also to soak up the smell of the air and the sound of the surf and the view of the trees in this magical place. It is a great place to "moodle" - a word coined by Barbara Ueland, who gave voice to the need in all artists to spend time just "be-ing". I'm moodling here. No agenda. No schedule. No "to-do" list. I try to come here at least once a year, and preferably more often. Something about he surf, the pounding of it on the rocky headland beneath where I'm sitting. Something about the tides, the coming in and the going out, allows me to live in "just now" - "today". It feeds something un-name-able in my being, something hungry and thirsty that shrivels up if it is ignored. I will sleep with my windows open and walk along the shore whether it rains or shines. I will just be here. Hallelujah!

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