The totes from Uganda, containing all the items completed by the Bitengye Designers since we left Uganda in early March, arrived in Vancouver on Monday. But sadly we were unable to collect them then - it being a holiday, there was no-one in customs who could process them. So my husband, who had made a special trip to Vancouver to collect them, returned home with an empty van. Today (Wednesday) an ACTS worker from the mainland went to pick them up from the airport, and he's had an equally frustrating day, spending hours and hours filling out copious amounts of paper work, but still the totes are not being released. So it will be tomorrow, all being well, before these much anticipated totes and their contents make their way to Comox. In the meantime, I thought you would enjoy seeing

the work of two fellow quiltmakers. The top detail is from Lee McLean's Under the African Sun. Lee hails from Fredericton, New Brunswick, and has been a friend since I met her at CQA in Winnipeg several years ago. Last year we got reaquainted when I stayed with her suring a teaching trip "back east". What a treat that was! The second photo is of a quilt made by Betty Manuel, who had purchased a number of batiks from me, and set them in this original arrangement. I love it!
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