Today, after four wonderful days at Quilt Saskatchewan, we left the big skies and rolling hills of Saskatchewan for home. We drove through farm land planted with grains, through ranch land full of cows and calves, of steers and even the occasional llama, to the mountains. We saw gophers at the side of the road, and Canada geese coming in to land on one of the many deep blue sloughs, and deer not too far off the road. The vast landscape of our country left a strong impression on both Joan and I, making us feel extaordinarily proud to be part of this great land. We saw lonely and abandoned homesteads that were first settled not that long ago, and the farms of today, sheltered from the wind by stands of trees, with yards full of modern threshing machines and combines. And then, shortly after Calgary, we arrive in Canmore, relishing seeing the mountains from another angle on the way home. As we approcahed, we thought it was haze that we saw in the distance, or rain perhaps. But the undeniable smell of burning indicated otherwise, and as we

got closer, we could see billows of smoke filling the sky behind Mount Rundle. Helicopters with buckets of water were ferrying back and forth, attempting to quench the fire. By this evening the smoke had cleared, and it now looks as though they have been successful in their efforts. We hope so. We won't be home again for another day and a half, but this has been a wonderful journey to be on, and I'd like to say a huge thank you to all of you who stopped by our booth to chat with us, and especially to those of you who purchased the bags and placemats, wall-hangings and cushion covers, made by the ladies of the Bitengye Designers.
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