Friday, May 25, 2012

Time Flies!

I can't believe that it's been 3 weeks since I last posted to my blog! May has flown by. New "Limited Edition" quilt patterns and kits have been designed and packaged up. The Parksville Quilt Show has come and gone, And on Monday Joan and I fly to Halifax for Quilt Canada. So we are down to the wire, having sent most of our wares off in boxes ahead of us, and now we're packing up the rest in our suitcases. Must remember to leave a little room for a couple of changes of clothing and other essentials! Oh, and yesterday our daughter Emily was awarded her doctorate - the culmination of many, many years of study and a day of celebration for all the family. And our grand-daughter is still growing by leaps and bounds - a wonderfully social and happy baby - and my husband returned from 4 months in Uganda. The photos tell the story better than I can.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful, wonderfully proud day for you and David! Not that you finished the doctorate or produced the grand-baby, but you did get the whole thing rolling, right? It's great to be happy when our kids are happy - validates the sweat we put into getting them to independence.

    From one still-sweating parent (well, he graduates high school next month, so I'm almost there) to another, congrats!
