Justine lives in very modest housing, in fact the other side of this mud and wattle house has been washed away by the rains, and you can see the great outside through it. And her sewing machine is just inside the door. With her earnings, like many of the other ladies, she bought a chair to use at the machine. Justine has 5 children, and she has put her eldest daughter through tailoring school, and built another very small house for her eldest son to live in. Her eldest son was sponsored in a mechanics training course, and did very well, but now has to come up with almost a million shilllings (close to $600) for all the tools and equipment he needs to begin working. It sometimes seems that obstacle after obstacle faces these women. But Justine remains happy and hopeful.
Hi Pipa and all,
ReplyDeleteI am so thrilled to see the success of the ladies in your sewing group. It is so gratifying to see the things we have helped you to accomplish over there. It is great to see how the ladies are dealing with each of their daily issues and trying to improve their (and their familes)lives. Enjoy your time with them.
B Carlson, Vernon